About CCLS

Mission Statement
The mission of the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System is to foster, strengthen, and improve public library services within its two-county service area.

CCLS Profile
The Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System is a cooperative Public Library System serving 36 member libraries in a two-county area of 2,415 square miles. It is a rural area; most of its 204,699 people live in scattered hamlets and small villages. The member libraries serve populations ranging up to 28,712 but the majority serve populations of less than 4,000. All chartered public libraries in the System’s service area are members of the System.

The System receives major operating funds from the state and supplemental funds from the two counties. These are augmented by occasional private foundation and federal grants for equipment, services, and personnel. Member libraries receive support from the state and counties (through the System) and villages, school districts, towns, cities, and occasionally, from private foundations and other private sources.

The System aids member libraries in many ways. There are at least seven broad categories:

1.) Expand and improve library resources
2.) Train and develop library personnel
3.) Advisory services
4.) Technical services
5.) Public relations
6.) Grants
7.) Automation

Current System URL’s
Member Library Survey Questions 
Member Library Survey Results
DLD Approved Plan of Service 2022-2026 
CCLS Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Direct Access Plan, 2022‐2026 
Co‐Central Library Plan, 2022‐2026